Importance of Eye Exams for Children [Video]
Learn why comprehensive eye exams are important for a child's development and learning, and what to expect during a child's eye exam.
Learn about a common cause of blurry vision known as a refractive error, including the different types and how they affect your vision.
Learn about myopia (nearsightedness), including what causes it, how it affects vision, and ways to keep it from getting worse.
This video covers the ins and outs of nearsightedness (myopia) including who it affects, potential risks, and how to correct it.
Learn to recognize signs of myopia in your child, like sitting too close to the TV, squinting to focus, and rubbing their eyes.
Myopia (nearsightedness) can be diagnosed with a comprehensive eye exam. Learn what children can expect when visiting the eye doctor.
Learn about temporary myopia correction, like eyeglasses or contact lenses, and long term correction like ortho-k or LASIK surgery.
High myopia occurs when the eyes continue to grow in length. Learn the risks of having high myopia, and how to prevent it using myopia control strategies.
Learn why comprehensive eye exams are important for a child's development and learning, and what to expect during a child's eye exam.